Saturday, November 25, 2006

Teacher’s Guide

Intended Audience:

The intended audiences of this web quest are third and fourth graders. At this level students are capable of these reading materials as well as the tasks they are asked to complete. After viewing the instructions students will be able to demonstrate what they learned through the project that they create.

Learning Goals:

  • Students will learn the life cycle of frogs.
  • Students will learn many different facts on frogs and their habitats.
  • Students will learn how to take care of such amphibians in their possession.
  • Students will learn how to put together a small yet challenging presentation of the facts they gathered and share with the class.

Skills Students Need:

To be successful throughout this project students need to know how to use the internet. Also, students should be fairly good readers, not for the quality of reading but the quantity.

Computer usage:

The students will have two hours a week for two weeks to complete the assignment, so a total of four hours on the computer is necessary.


Very good work: Would consist of including all the facts and pictures maybe even more. Also, elaboration on those facts and detailed pictures for the posters displays time and effort. Detailed work, time, and effort into creating a great presentation and poster will show. You will be able to tell that the student rehearsed their presentation, and knew what they would be talking about before hand.

Okay work: Would consist of most of the facts and most of the pictures required. However, there might be a couple missing from each category. Also, you will be able to tell that the student didn’t put too much effort, time or energy into the project. The presentation flowed, but there were definitely missing parts and you could tell not much thought or energy went into this portion of the project.

Work that is not so good: Would consist of several missing facts and pictures. Possibly, the student would forget facts or pictures all together. Also, it will show that the student didn’t even rehearse their presentation.

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